- Beer is served everywhere
- Some bars sell beer cans at 75 cents a pop
- Drunk Driving isn't viewed as a bad thing, but rather an adventure
- Too many people drink and drive over here
- Wisconsin has some of the funkiest named cities around. "Oconomowoc" WTF?!
- Wisconsin probably has more cities starting wtih the letter 'W' than anywhere else: "Wauwatosa" is one example. Again, WTF?!
- People really care about cheese over here
- There are so many different kinds of cheese you wouldn't believe it
- People from Wisconsin are fanatical about their sports teams
- You meet lots of people who were raised on dairy farms. Holy Cow!
- Wisconsin is home to a city that has the most bars per capita than any other in the country
- Wisconsin is home to a county that has the most bars per capita than any other in the country
- Wisconsin has many bars
- Babies are often delivered in bars, and are often given a can of Miller Lite to celebrate theif first birthday
- These babies are then allowed to drive home themselves
- Summerfest is very cool
- Madison is very cool
- Madison in the summer is even cooler
- Madison is super liberal
- Maybe its a midwestern thing, but people from Wisconsin are extremely and genuinely nice
- Some say Madison is only liberal with respect to Gay rights
- Some say Madison is only 'Gay Friendly' because there aren't many gays living in town
- I don't know what to think
- You meet many people from towns where there is "nothing to do"
- But does anyone come from a town and claim ther is 'much to do'?
- Are you still reading this?
- You're a nerd, unless you're in class
- People drink in Wisconsin EVERY day of the week
- Go to a bar at 12 pm, people will be there, drinking heavily
- People have a good amount of Wisconsin pride, more so than I've seen from people who are from other states
- Having pride in your state is pretty cool, I think
- This list is getting out of hand
- I'll probably update it later though